Buy or Sell a Liquor License in Pinellas County

There are many ways to become a licensed establishment to sell liquor. If you wish to run your establishment or want to purchase a wholesale product, it may take a bit of research to find out which licenses are offered in the area. Here are some essential things you should know when trying to become a licensed liquor dealer in Pinellas County.

How Many Liquor Licenses There Are in Pinellas Country?

There are currently five licenses available to people interested in owning a Pinellas County liquor license. These licenses will vary in price and what it takes to get them, but they are the basics that you should know. Here are the Pinellas County liquor licenses offered:

  1. 2APS – This Pinellas County liquor license is used primarily in convenience stores and gas markets. It allows the license holder to sell beer and wine but not liquor. It does not allow consumption on premises. To get a 2APS Pinellas County liquor license one would fill out an application, however it is much easier when using a consultant like The Liquor License Guy as it will make obtaining the license a breeze!
  2. 2COP – This Pinellas County liquor license is used primarily for restaurants, bars, pool halls and other establishments that only want to sell beer and wine to be consumed on premises. The 2COP Pinellas County Liquor License also allows the purchase of beer and wine to be taken off premises sealed. Like the 2APS Pinellas County liquor license, the 2COP Pinellas County liquor license is obtained through an application process but can be made easier by using a consultant like the Liquor License Guy.
  3. 3PS – A 3PS Pinellas County Liquor License allows for the sale of all beer, wine, and liquor to be taken off premises. This does not allow it to be consumed like the 4COP License. A 3PS License can be converted to a 4COP License so that you can have consumption on premises. To obtain a 3PS Pinellas County Liquor License one has the choice of buying an established business that already has one, or using a broker to find a Pinellas County liquor license that is for sale. This is not an easy task for an inexperienced buyer and the best way to procure one of these licenses is to use a consultant like the Liquor License Guy!
  4. 4COP – This type of Pinellas County Liquor License allows for the sale of all beer, wine and liquor to be consumed on premises or to be sold to go. This is the ideal Pinellas County liquor license if you are looking to run a full liquor bar with no food, night club or restaurant with less than 51 percent food sales. Just like the 3PS can be converted to a 4COP license, the 4COP can be converted to a 3PS in Pinellas County. Also like the 3PS the best way to get one of these is to either find an already established business or to have a broker find a fair market priced license for you. The Liquor License Guy is more than willing to help you find the right fit for you with a Pinellas County Liquor License.
  5. 4 COP SFS FKA SRX – This Pinellas County liquor license differs from a normal 4COP because it is typically reserved for bars with food and/or restaurants. To qualify for one of these licenses, you must have at least 51% of your sales be food. You are also not allowed to have smoking in your establishment with this Pinellas County liquor license. Another difference in this Pinellas County liquor license from a 4COP is that you are not allowed to sell liquor or beer to go. You can however allow wine to be corked for be taken off premises.


In all cases the best way to obtain any Pinellas County liquor license is to use a broker like the Liquor License Guy to find you an available license or established building priced to sell. The Liquor License Guy is a great option in finding a Pinellas County liquor license because he can also help you finance your license which allows you to free up cash so that you have the capital to help make your business successful! Good luck and we hope to help you in this journey of finding the right license for you!

What Are the Other Options?

So, what if you don’t want to buy any of these? There is still another route to take when you\’re looking to open up your bar or pub – buy a bar from someone already open.

You should always check with the local authorities before you start your own business and ask for a recommendation. But it may save you time and money if you choose to do so on the Internet.